For all activities, participants must come prepared with adequate water and food. Dress
appropriately in layers for the weather, including rain gear, and wear proper hiking footwear. The hike
leader has the discretion to deny people participation if they are not adequately prepared. Contact the
hike leader with any questions.
Some hikes are listed as “Dog Friendly” or “Dogs on Leash are welcome.” Dogs are allowed only
on these hikes and if leashing is required you must keep your dog on leash! Please do not bring a
dog if it is not reliably under your control, leashed or otherwise, and be prepared to pick up after your dog.
Adults bringing minor children are fully responsible for their safety and well-being. For children
under 14, please contact the hike leader to ask if it is permissible to bring them.
Hikes leave from the trailhead promptly at the “Leave Time.” Please ARRIVE at the trailhead prepared to hike at least 10 MINUTES earlier than the Leave Time.
Berkshire Knapsackers
2025 Winter Schedule
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - Knapsackers New Year’s Day Hike - Kennedy Park 🐕 On Leash
C-4-C: Meet at the Lenox Sportsmens Club to drop off your covered dish for the gathering,
then go to the Arcadian Shop Parking lot/trailhead. There will be a casual 4 mile hike at Kennedy Park in Lenox (trails to be determined). Please bring microspikes in case of snow/ice. Dogs on Leash are fine.
Leave for Hike: 10:00 AM from Arcadian Shop parking lot
Leader: Sue Snyder, ssnyder160@gmail.com, 413-281-3303
Annual New Year’s Day Gathering - Lenox Sportsmen’s Club - 258 New Lenox Road, Lenox
Pot-luck lunch: 1:00 PM. Please bring an appetizer, dessert, salad, or entree to share. Please bring your own place setting and serving utensils. The Club will provide tea, coffee, and hot cocoa. A short but fascinating business meeting and program of interest will be held following lunch. If not doing the hike, please drop off your pot luck between 9:30-12:00..
Program: Videos from Banff Film Festival, Thuderbolt Ski Trail, and more - Greg Shields will orchestrate the program.
Saturday, January 11, 2025 - Westkill Mountain - Lexington, NY 🐕 On Leash
B-3-A: I would like to do a full traverse from Mink Hollow to Spruceton Road trailheads.
(~7.6 mi., +2850 Vert.). If we don't have enough cars to do that, or everyone does not want to do that, then let’s just do the "easy" way up from Spruceton Road trailhead. (~6.3 mi, +1700). Please come with snowshoes, micro spikes, headlamps, and poles. This may be a snowshoe the entire hike. If we do the longer version, for the last couple of miles we will need the headlamps. Dogs on leash are OK, but they may need help on one of the scrambles. It is not bad, but a larger dog might find it difficult.
Leave: ~8:00 AM Exit 21 Park & Ride (42.24634, -73.8855), Catskill, NY 12414 to carpool to the trailhead (~1 hr. 30 min.)
Leave: ~10:00 AM from Spruceton Road trailhead (42.177698, -74.262004), this is at the very end of the road.
Leader: Greg Shields - Greg.shields@protonmail.com, or 518-588-1382 cell/MMS
Monday, January 13, 2025 – Full Moon Hike at The Boulders – Pittsfield/Dalton, MA
C-3-C: Hike approximately 3.5 miles under a full moon, from Dalton Avenue up the trail to The Boulders
overlooking Pittsfield. It will be a snowshoe if conditions are warrant. Cancel for rain. Possible debrief after the hike at Applebee’s.
Leave: 6:30 PM from Boulders Parking Lot on Dalton Ave. near the Hubbard Avenue traffic light and next to Taco Bell.
Leader: Joe Doboszynski – dobojc@aol.com, or call 339-222-7203 (cell), 413-448-8359 (home)
Saturday, January 18, 2025 – The Boulders and Brewery – Pittsfield/Dalton, MA
C-3-C: Hike a casual 5 miles up and around The Boulders in Dalton, MA, with lunch to follow at the Wandering Star Brewery (11 Gifford Street, off Merrill Road in Pittsfield, about a mile from The Boulders parking area). for those interested. The Wandering Star Brewery does not have restaurant capability, but they have seating for dining, sampling, and savoring at least 8 of their brews on tap. We can bring our lunches in or pick up a lunch en route.
Leave: 9:30 AM from Boulders Parking Lot on Dalton Ave. near the Hubbard Avenue traffic light and next to Taco Bell.
Leader: Joe Doboszynski – dobojc@aol.com, or call 339-222-7203 (cell), 413-448-8359 (home)
Sunday, January 19, 2025 – Back Country Ski Outing – Catamount Ski Trail – Whitingham, VT
SKI: This is an easy, nearly level ski, with a few short climbs that can be walked if needed. The first mile is shared with snowmobiles. There are no intermediate access points for the first seven miles along this section. This is a back country outing. Snow and trail conditions are unknown, so have an adventurous spirit and appropriate gear.
Length of Ski: 2-4 hours in and out - No destination, just spending time outdoors appreciating nature.
Meet: Parking area located at the end of Dam Road, Whitingham, VT (42°47'28.5"N 72°54'51.1"W)
Leave: Contact leaders for details
Co-Leaders: Scott Latvalla - latvalla@aol.com and Evelyn Gonzalez - callingevelyn@yahoo.com
Sunday, January 26, 2025 – Keystone Arches Bridge Trail – Chester, MA
B-3-C: 5 miles out and back and approximately 500-600’ elevation gain. Friends of the Keystone Arch Bridges, with help, have spruced up the Keystone Arch Bridge (KAB) Trail. Informative kiosks have sprung up and the trail has been rerouted, including the addition of a nature portion along the wooded hillside. But the main attraction remains the bridges, stone without mortar, piled to form an arch until the sides meet at the wedge stone that holds all in place. The KAB Trail not only takes one to the first series of stone arch railroad bridges built in America but tracks the first National Wild and Scenic River and the longest stretch of free-flowing Westfield River in MA. As we follow the trail, there will be options to venture off trail and down to the river to get a close-up look at some of these beautiful arches. May require snowshoes and/or micro spikes/crampons depending on conditions.
Please contact the leader to register for this hike or if you have any questions. Severe weather cancels.
Leave: 9:30 AM, Google Maps Address: Keystone Arch Bridges, Chester, MA 01011
GPS Coordinates: 42.31169, -72.99259
Leader: Trish Johnston – patcjohnston@gmail.com, or 832-649-0372 voice/txt
Saturday, February 8, 2025 – Alander Mountain – Mt Washington, MA 🐕
B-3-B: 6 miles out/back with a 1200’ elevation gain. Beautiful views at the summit. Bring spikes. Dog Friendly. Please contact the leader to register for this hike or if you have any questions.
Leave: 9:30 AM from Mt Washington Headquarters parking lot.
Leader: Janice Robbins – janicerobbins14@gmail.com, or 917-679-5820
Sunday, February 16, 2025 – Mount Greylock via Bellows Pipe Trail – Adams, MA
B-3-B: 5.8 miles out-and-back with a 2240’ elevation gain. Bring snowshoes and micro spikes.
Location: Parking area at end of Gould Road, Adams, MA (42°37'37.8"N 73°08'42.8"W)
Leave: Contact the leader for details.
Leader: Scott Latvalla – latvalla@aol.com
Sunday, February 23, 2025 – Lulu Brook and Honwee Loop Trails – Pittsfield State Forest, Pittsfield, MA
C-3-B: Hike 4.5 miles and 1000’ elevation gain. Beautiful hike along the Lulu Brook up to the intersection with the Taconic Skyline trail. Then pick up the Honwee Skyline trail (very short) to Tappan Zee trail to Honwee loop trail over Honwee Mt. (2280') and then continue downhill back to the parking lot. We may be using snowshoes and/or micro spikes/crampons depending on the conditions.
Please contact the leader to register for this hike or if you have any questions. Severe weather cancels.
Leave: 9:30 AM Google Maps Address: 57-39 Shamrock Blvd, Pittsfield, MA, Lulu Brook parking lot.
GPS Coordinates: 42.49302, -73.29914
Leader: Trish Johnston – patcjohnston@gmail.com, or 832-649-0372 voice/txt
Saturday, March 22, 2025 - March Cataract, Mt. Greylock - Williamstown, MA 🐕
B-3-B: Let’s see this attractive waterfall in its namesake month. We’ll hike the Roaring Brook Trail, a strenuous 1.9 mi. to Sperry Road near the campground. From there, it’s a moderate 1.6 miles to this attractive seasonal waterfall. We’ll return to the start along the same route. Please bring spikes in case of slippery conditions. Dog Friendly
Leave: 9:30 AM from Roaring Brook Road, at the trailhead, right off Rt. 7, just south of Waubeeka Country Club
Leader: Sally Partridge – skpartridge@gmail.com, or 413-822-2818
Saturday, March 29, 2025 - Mt Harvey / Pinnacle Point Loop - Austerlitz, NY 🐕 On Leash
C/B-3-C/B: This will be a loop hike of ~4 mi, +450 ft of elevation gain total. There will be a 2-mile extension (+400ft.) for hikers interested. The extension will cross a busy road, Rt. 22. The view from Harvey Mountain was overgrown last spring, but the foresters may have cut it back again. Dogs on leash are OK, but keep in mind we will be crossing a busy road on the 2-mile extension.
Leave: 9:30 AM from Harvey Mt. Trailhead (42.326133, -73.439762), 521 E Hill Rd, Austerlitz, NY 12017
Leader: Thea Baker - 413-429-5989 cell/MMS
Co-Leader: Greg Shields - Greg.shields@protonmail.com, or 518-588-1382 cell/MMS
Sunday, March 30, 2025 - Bear Mountain - Salisbury CT 🐕 On Leash
B-3-B: Let’s celebrate spring by hiking up Bear Mountain from the south side using the Undermountain trail and the AT. This hike is approximately 5 miles round trip with 1,600 feet of elevation gain. Our pace will be moderate but steady. Dogs on leash.
Leave: Undermountain trailhead on Conn 41, Contact Leader for meeting time.
Leader: Russ Cannizzaro - russcann@yahoo.com, or call 919-576-6109

About Us

Berkshire Knapsackers was founded in Sept 1977 by Kay Wood, Jack Murphy, Eric Teet, Stanley Wilk, Ann Fitz & Betty Conover. Kay Wood and Jack Murphy among others sent out requests to join and 60 members were signed up, many of whom are still members today. Activities the first year consisted of 21 hikes covering 132 miles. The original group celebrated their 10th anniversary in 1987 at the Audubon Society in Lenox, and their 25th anniversary at October Mountain Lake.
We currently have over 50 outings between September and June with more than 100 members, ranging in age from 20's to 80’s, who value healthy living and an appreciation of nature and the beauty of the Berkshires fostered by outdoor exercise in a social group setting. Outings consist of Hiking, Snowshoeing, Cross Country Skiing, Kayaking & Biking as well as an annual New Years Day potluck.
We carry on their legacy with the original hiking club shaped into what it is today.
In Memory of:
Kay Wood, Tom Conry, Jack Murphy, Ted Thorne, Pat Plue
Richard King, Bern Collins, Harry Oswain, Rudy Hoeltzel, Mike Monico

Join Us
How to Join: Dues are $10.00 per person per year from September through June. Make check payable to Berkshire Knapsackers and mail to the treasurer - Harold Moon, 35 Dodge Ave., Pittsfield, MA 01201. Please include your name, local address, phone number and email address. You may also now pay online at the below PayPal link.
Current Members: Reminder! Please check the mailing label for your membership expiration date. Dues are $10.00 per person per year. Make check payable to Berkshire Knapsackers and mail to the treasurer, Harold Moon, at the address noted above, or pay by PayPal. Please include any changes in your information.
Pay Now with PayPal: Click the below PayPal Logo to join or renew your membership online. In the payment note, please provide your contact information and let us know if you would prefer to receive hard copies of the schedule, or go paperless.